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Fee Assistance Program

The City of Lethbridge Fee Assistance Program supports Lethbridge residents who face financial barriers. Through an application process, participants can access public transit and recreation and culture programs and activities at a subsidized cost.

Fee Assistance Program Policy

Your personal information will remain confidential, however, in order to confirm registration details contained within your application, we may be required to discuss your application with the community organization coordinating your registered program.

The Fee Assistance program offers funding for individuals and families that face financial barriers. The program subsidizes the cost of recreation and culture programs. 

Program details

Funding is available for one program/activity, to a maximum of $150 per person, per season, while funds are available.

  • Seasons span from January 1 – June 30, and July 1 – December 31

Gross adult household income is required to meet Statistics Canada’s Low Income Cut-Off (LICO) thresholds. Adults living in shared housing, with roommate(s), or with dependents will be based on individual household income.

  • see details under low income qualifications

Activity/program requirements

To qualify for Fee Assistance, recreation and culture programs and activities must:

  • Be a Lethbridge organization or an organization with a branch in Lethbridge that holds a business license in Lethbridge.
  • Be a minimum of 4 days/classes in length, be a camp, or be used for a membership at any organization that offers recreational or cultural activities, including virtual classes.
  • Be eligible for federal tax credits under the former Physical Activity of Arts and Culture tax credit guidelines.

Reimbursable fees (i.e: fundraising or uniform deposits), travel to our-of-town competition, or programs of three days or less are ineligible for Fee Assistance.


Those apply/re-applying for a bus pass through the Fee Assistance Program must use the online application process and cannot reload your cards using the LT Fare app.

Program details

The Fee Assistance Program offers funding for individuals and families facing financial barriers by providing 2/3 of the funding required for Lethbridge Transit bus passes.

Applicants can apply for this program at any time throughout the year but will need to re-apply every three months. Please do not reapply until 1 or 2 weeks prior to your card expiring. 

Through this program, participants pay for a 1 month bus pass and receive 2 additional months for free. Payment will be required at time of card pick-up/renewal at the designated location outlined in the application approval notification.

  • Adults = $77.00/month
  • Youths = $62.00/month
  • Seniors = $28.00/month

Fee Assistance will cover the $5.00 activation fee for brand new cards.

Applicants are responsible for any additional costs regarding stolen or lost cards ($5.00 per replacement). 


The Fee Assistance Program helps support low-income individuals by offering 2/3 of the funding required for Lethbridge Transit Access-A-Ride. At time of card pick up/renewal, applicant will be required to pay for 1/3 of the funding request, resulting in rides being added. Applicants are eligible to re-apply once every three months. If you run out of rides before your eligibility period, you can purchase additional rides at full cost. Please do not reapply until 1 or 2 weeks prior to running out of rides.

Choose one of the options below:

  • Applicant pays $30 – recommended for infrequent riders (results in $90 on card)
  • Applicant pays $78 – recommended for moderate riders (results in $234 on card)
  • Applicant pays $108 – recommended for frequent riders (results in $324 on card)


Qualification for the Fee Assistance Program is based on gross adult household income and must meet Statistics Canada’s Low Income Cut-Off (LICO) thresholds. Adults living in shared housing, with roommate(s), or with dependents will be based on individual household income.

If one person in the household is currently on Employment Insurance (EI), and the other adult is working, the combined gross income will be used for the application process. If the combined income is higher than the LICO threshold*, the household does not qualify for subsidy.

Number of People in Family

Gross Income















*2024 income threshold amounts are subject to change and are based on Statistics Canada's low-income cutoff numbers effective February 3rd, 2025.

* Will accept up to 10% above LICO threshold.

Calculating Household Income

To calculate your household income, find the Total Income (Line 15000) from your most current Notice of Assessment and add the total incomes of you and your spouse/partner together. You are eligible if your total household income is equal to/within 10% or less than the amounts listed in the above low-income qualification table for your number of people in family household. 

1) Proof of Lethbridge Residency (provide one of the following):              

  • Bank or Credit Card Statement
  • Government Issued Letter or Notice
  • Current bill from utility provider such as home phone, gas, cable, energy provider
  • Letter from landlord or lease agreement with address

2) Proof of Income Status. Adults living in shared housing, with roommate(s), or with dependents will be based on individual household income. Upload one of the following for each adult household member:

  • Canada Revenue Agency: Notice of Assessment (latest tax year)
    • The combined total income from line 15000 (page 2) from all adult household members is required
  • Assured Income for Severely Handicapped benefits (AISH)
  • Alberta Works: Income subsidy/support
  • Alberta Works: Alberta Adult Health Benefit
  • Lethbridge Housing Authority or other housing program letter
  • Federal/Provincial Income Support recipient documentation
  • Resettlement Assistance Program Letter (Refugees only), CUAET (accepted up to first year of date issued)
  • Advocacy letter from a Registered Social Worker (RSW)

If you have further questions regarding required documentation, please email

Anyone needing help filling out the Fee Assistance Program application can access community support.

Those needing computer access can visit::

Those needing help with their application can visit: 

To find recreational and cultural programs in Lethbridge, try these local resources

Select a resource below to find additional financial support for recreational and cultural programs.

Contact Us

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