Catching Up With Council - Councillor Nick Paladino
Putting your hand up to become an elected public official is not for the faint of heart. After the election campaigning is over, the real work begins. There is much more to a City Councillor role than attending weekly committee and Council meetings. The volume of information, context and legislative requirements can be daunting.
Preparations are already underway for the next municipal election, scheduled for October 20, 2025. We invited all current Council members to share their thoughts on the first three years of this term. In the coming weeks, we’ll share their insights and priorities as we look toward the next election.

Next is in this series is Councillor Nick Paladino. The first-term Councillor first ran for election in 2017 but failed to win a seat. His second campaign was successful, as he was elected in 2021.
What are you most proud of in the first three years of your term?
As a City Council rookie, Councillor Paladino is impressed with the group’s cohesiveness. He says it didn’t take long for the mix of first-time and returning members to gel.
“There are so many new Councillors this term. I’m proud of the fact that we’ve gotten along so well together,” notes Paladino. “There haven’t been too many split decisions, we’ve worked collaboratively.”
His proudest individual accomplishment was introducing public drinking stations. He championed the two-year, $20,000 pilot project after seeing similar setups in Medicine Hat and Whitefish, Montana.
“I thought ‘Hey, why can’t these work in Lethbridge?’ So, (Director of Infrastructure) Joel Sanchez asked staff if they could be assembled in-house. They came up with four units to place around the city.”
With the pilot project complete, Paladino hopes they become a permanent fixture.
“I think it proved itself. I think it’s a good idea and the price is reasonable, so I hope the rest of Council will, too.”
He also sees potential to include something for Lethbridge’s four-legged residents.
“I think we could chain a stainless-steel pet bowl on the bottom of them. I used to have a blow-up dish that took a long time to fill, so a dish would be convenient for dogs and dog owners.”
What do you still want to accomplish in your last year?
Councillor Paladino hopes for substantial completion of the Land Use Bylaw renewal project. The Land Use Bylaw guides building regulations and development permits.
“I would like the next Council to have a fresh new Land Use Bylaw, rather than have an older one and three quarters of a new one. It’s a big-ticket item”.
He also prioritizes expanding Lethbridge Airport.
“I know some people say, ‘give up on the airport’, but I can’t give up on the airport. We’re a government town. We have a university and a polytechnic, we’re neighbours with Lethbridge County. The airport is underutilized. I’d like to see one of the major airlines come in and introduce flights to Edmonton or Vancouver, like we did with Integra.”
What has surprised you the most during your first term on Council?
Before becoming a City of Lethbridge Councillor, Paladino worked at Lethbridge County for 30 years. He retired in 2013 as Manager of Planning and Development and believed those three decades of experience would prepare him for the task of Councillor.
“It didn't transition as quickly as I thought it might,” Paladino admits. “I thought the election process was going to be the hard part. Then when I was elected, maybe it would be a piece of cake. That hasn’t been the case at all. It’s been a big learning curve.”
He encourages future candidates to understand how bylaws and motions are crafted. Despites the challenges, he enjoys the work.
“I like the committee meetings, getting to set the agenda for what is decided by the regular Council. I also really enjoy the discussions at those full Council meetings.”
Paladino has also found unexpected enjoyment serving as a City Council Representative on the Lethbridge Police Commission.
“I really like it; it’s been an eye-opener. We get monthly reports from the Chief, reviewing the monthly report in terms of where crime is happening, where the hot spots are in the city. I find that kind of information interesting.”
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