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City Council continues stance on protection of clean water

Lethbridge City Council has re-committed its opposition to any and all coal developments that risk damage to the Oldman Watershed.

City Council has consistently taken a stance against coal mines, acknowledging how important the agriculture and agri-food sectors are to the economies of the city and region, says Councillor Belinda Crowson, whose Official Business Motion was carried on Tuesday.

Even though Council has passed several motions on the matter, based on the many inquiries recently received she saw it as an opportunity to reaffirm council’s stance publicly once again.

“Lethbridge and surrounding communities are downstream from the proposed mining site and these proposed projects have the potential of affecting the water in the entire Oldman Watershed,” says Crowson. “There is, at present, little scientific information on how to address selenium at the water treatment level. Major irrigation systems in southern Alberta obtain their water from the Oldman Watershed and southern Alberta’s economy and jobs may be impacted long-term if water quality issues affect the quality of our irrigation water and the reputation of our agri-food processing hubs.”

Part of the latest OBM directs the Mayor to issue a public statement outlining the City of Lethbridge’s concern related to coal mining and ask the provincial government to ensure that there are no coal mine projects allowed on the Eastern Slopes.

“In my previous letter to the Province, I wrote that the City of Lethbridge requests that the Government of Alberta thoroughly consider the potential for selenium contamination, monitoring and mitigation of the Oldman River headwaters and watershed prior to giving the most recent application by Northback Holdings any consideration,” says Mayor Hyggen. “As we have heard further opposition in the community recently, we will again discuss this matter through the proper City Council process. As per this Council’s continued direction regarding the safety of our water supply, I will write another letter providing our re-committed stance.”

Council also directed that City Administration provide a presentation on potential concerns related to future coal mining for the Oldman Watershed and Lethbridge’s water supply. This is scheduled for the April 10 Economic & Finance Standing Policy Committee meeting.


  • In October 2020, the previous Council unanimously adopted a resolution put forward by Crowson and then-Councillor Rob Miyashiro directing then-Mayor Chris Spearman to send a letter to the Alberta Minister of Environment & Parks, copying the Premier of Alberta and the Member of the Legislative Assembly – Lethbridge (East) highlighting City Council’s concerns regarding water quality and also referencing the Oldman Watershed Council Submission to the Joint Review Panel on the Grassy Mountain Coal Project
  • In the first half of 2021, Council unanimously supported three more resolutions highlighting concerns. They can be read here, here and here
  • In October 2023, City Council unanimously directed Mayor Hyggen to write another letter to the Alberta Energy Regulator, which included the previous letter sent with the same concerns


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