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City Council supports local economy considering potential impact of U.S. tariffs

Lethbridge City Council is continuing to advocate in support of our local economy, specifically with recent actions regarding the potential impact of U.S. tariffs to the region. 

“The City of Lethbridge is proud of its strong and mutually beneficial trade relationship with the United States,” says Mayor Blaine Hyggen. “Most of our exports come from the Agri-food sector. Local businesses are the backbone of our community and we are proud to advocate on their behalf. We will continue to work with other levels of government to help ensure our commercial sector remains resilient in the face of any challenges.”

At its February 11 meeting, City Council unanimously supported the following directions: 

  1. To send a letter to the Federal and Provincial governments reminding them of the impacts of the proposed tariffs on the Lethbridge and southern Alberta markets (highlighting the importance of agriculture and manufacturing), as well as advocating for the reduction of inter-provincial trade barriers 

  1. Invite the Lethbridge Chamber of Commerce, Economic Development Lethbridge, manufacturing groups and any employers to participate in a dialogue at a future Economic & Finance Standing Policy Committee meeting 

  1. Advocate to American partners on the future negative financial impacts on both countries of the proposed tariffs 

  1. Encourage the community and other stakeholders to continue to work together to buy local and support our local economies 

Council will continue to advocate with our Provincial and Federal governments for the supports our community needs. 


  • The Canadian Chamber of Commerce lists the Lethbridge CMA as the 10th most vulnerable Canadian city (out of 41) to potential U.S. tariffs 

  • The Lethbridge CMA consists of the City of Lethbridge and Lethbridge County, including all the urban areas within the County 

  • Nearly 180 Lethbridge CMA exporters send more than $2 billion in goods to the U.S., accounting for 91.7 per cent of our total exports (as of 2023) 



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