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Council Highlights September 17, 2024

Video and minutes (coming)

  • Fresh off a successful Whoop-Up Days, Lethbridge & District Exhibition (LDE) brought forward their monthly update to Lethbridge City Council. The report included a financial summary until July 31, 2024, as well as a new year-end forecast, both showing positive improvements from previous estimates. Read the full news release here
  • Council received the latest Encampment Strategy update, which recaps the June 14 to August 26 reporting period. Read the full news release here
  • After a divided motion, Council voted unanimously in favour to implement the Childcare Needs Assessment with Service Level Tier 1 and status quo resourcing. More information here. Council voted 5-4 against considering at November budget review the concept of Service Level 3 and attached funding requests
  • From a closed session report, Council ratified a new three-year collective agreement with the Local Union 254 of the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers (IBEW). This agreement will be retroactive to January 1, 2023, and will provide the City’s electrical workers with a three per cent wage increase for 2023 and a 2.5 per cent increase in both 2024 and 2025. In addition, the new agreement adds in the recognition of the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation statutory holiday as well as other adjustments to the availability and carryover of vacation time
  • Following a Public Hearing, Council voted to carry second and third readings to Bylaw 6409 – Land Use Bylaw Amendment re: 3690 36 Street North
  • Following a Public Hearing, Council voted to carry second and third readings to Bylaw 6449 – Land Use Bylaw Amendment re: The Crossings Phase 9 - 1205 30 Street West
  • The Recommendation of Safety & Social Standing Policy Committee - Downtown Lawlessness Reduction Task Force Graffiti Abatement matter was withdrawn as the item will be considered during the November Economic and Finance Standing Policy Committee (SPC) operating budget review
  • Council voted to carry first, second and third readings of Bylaw 6463 - A Bylaw to Amend Bylaw 5834 - Traffic Bylaw
  • From a closed session report, Council voted to amend the 2024 Council and SPC calendar to add a new full-day closed Economic and Finance SPC starting at 9:30 a.m. on October 9, a new half-day Economic and Finance SPC meeting starting at 9:30 a.m. on November 26, and a new full-day Economic and Finance SPC starting at 9:30 a.m. on November 27 – to facilitate the third-party review of the LDE Phase 1 process
  • As part of the Consent Agenda approval, the following items were also carried: 

o   Recommendation of Audit Standing Policy Committee - Council Policy Priorities Updates for Q3 2024

o   Recommendation of Governance Standing Policy Committee - Succession Planning for Council

o   First readings to Bylaw 6451: A Bylaw to Remove the Designation of the Bow On Tong Building as a Municipal Historic Resource and Bylaw 6452: A Bylaw to Remove the Designation of the Manie Opera Society Building as a Municipal Historic Resource


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