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Keeping Lethbridge on the move in winter – snow route season has started

Winter is just around the corner and today marks the start of the second season of snow routes in Lethbridge. Snow routes can be activated anytime from November 1 – April 1 when deemed necessary by Transportation Operations. 

When the routes are declared active, temporary on-street parking restrictions apply. Residents and visitors must move their vehicles off roadways until plowing is complete and restrictions are lifted. After plowing, ice and snow melts off the road sooner than non-plowed areas and resulting in overall better driving conditions for winter. Snow is pushed to the right side of the road leaving a windrow along boulevards, driveways, and curbs.

“Our crews and equipment are ready to tackle winter weather with plowing, sanding, and de-icing,” says Juliane Ruck, Transportation Operations Manager. “As we prepare to keep Lethbridge on the move, residents can take action by winterizing their vehicles, planning more time for their commute, and making sure they’re aware of snow route parking restrictions.” 

The snow route network includes 83 kilometers of residential roadways that are plowed sooner during heavy snow conditions. As residential roads were historically only cleared on rare occasions, these routes provide the community with more residential plowing, more often, while still containing overall snow removal costs. 


A Windrow Assistance Service will be piloted this season. 

Last season's feedback from affected residents and the community provided was considered, along with operational needs, to develop modifications. This year, a new Windrow Assistance Service is being piloted to help residents along snow routes who struggle to manage the windrow. 

“The pilot subscription service helps to provide a clearing so these residents can have access to their property if they can’t remove the snow themselves,” says Ruck. “There are approximately 500 homes along the snow routes who have signed up due to mobility or accessibility challenges.” 


When you see snow, stay in the know.

The community is reminded to look out for the blue snowflake tab on snow route parking signs and check the status of snow routes before parking on-street this winter.

Snow route residents and on-street parking users are encouraged to:

  • Download the Lethbridge Loop app for notifications.
  • Have an alternative parking plan for when snow routes are activated.
  • Stay informed and engaged with all City of Lethbridge news by subscribing to receive News Releases, Public Service Announcements (PSAs) and Our Stories directly to their inboxes. Subscribing is as easy as heading to and following the prompts.
  • Leave Windrow Assistance clearings at-the-curb accessible to those who need them. These will be marked with paint after each clearing.

To learn more about this project, follow the live snow clearing maps, access notification tools and provide feedback, visit Get Involved Lethbridge: Snow and Ice Control Changes.

Visit or call or chat online with 311 for more information on snow and ice control in Lethbridge.

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