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Land Use Bylaw Renewal project continues seeking feedback from residents & businesses

As the warmer spring weather invites outdoor activities, it’s the perfect time to connect with your neighbourhood and think about how you’d like to see it grow in the future! 

The City’s Land Use Bylaw (LUB) Renewal project is in its second of four phases, ending in June this year. Phase Two focuses on gathering input from the community on key topics the LUB affects, where there is potential for regulatory changes.  

The second online survey in Phase Two is now available for residents to submit their feedback and help shape the future of how Lethbridge grows and develops. 

Residents can contribute their feedback via the online survey on six topics: 
•    Housing 
•    Neighbourhood Commercial 
•    Local Businesses & the Economy 
•    Downtown 
•    Parking 
•    Notifications 
The survey closes on April 1 with many more Phase Two engagement opportunities to follow between now and the end of June. Want to subscribe to receive project updates and upcoming engagement opportunities straight to your inbox? Subscribe to the project newsletter at

Later phases of the project, which will occur in 2025, 2026 and 2027, will involve the development of a new draft LUB. This new draft LUB will use the community feedback gathered during Phase One and Phase Two. The community will also have opportunities to review and provide feedback on the new draft LUB during later project phases. 

For Public Inquiries
Call or chat 311 | Monday to Friday, 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. 

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