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Municipal Election 101 – What you need to know ahead of October

It is now less than seven months until the beginning of the 2025 Election Period in Lethbridge – and preparations are well underway. 

Bonnie Hilford, Returning Officer/City Clerk, and David Sarsfield, Deputy City Clerk, presented to Governance SPC on November 28 outlining plans for the 2025 Election.  

They are now working with the Communications and Engagement team to plan a series of informative articles in the lead-up to October to help prepare our residents/voters. We are also striving to provide important and relevant information for prospective candidates, so they are fully aware of what the roles involve. 

This first installment aims to provide a general overview of who, what, when, where and why the 2025 Election is set to take place. 


Who is the Election for? 

  • The 2025 Election will be held to determine the following contests for a four-year term (October 2025-October 2029):  
  • The City of Lethbridge’s Mayor and eight Councillors 
  • Seven Trustees for the Lethbridge School Division 
  • Five Trustees for the Holy Spirit Catholic School Division 

When is the Election? 

  • The Nomination Period for the 2025 Municipal Election opened on January 1 and will close at noon on September 22
  • Voting will start on October 8 and conclude when polls close on Monday, October 20
  • Voting stations will be open 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. on October 8, 9, 10, 11 15, 16, 17, 18 and 20 

What resources are available for prospective candidates and for voters? 

  • The City’s election website,, will be updated regularly as the Nomination Period progresses
  • For those interested in running for public office, the website includes step-by-step instructions on the Nomination Process, Nomination Papers, local and provincial legislative information and background, as well as information and videos on the role and responsibilities of an elected official
  • More general information on City Council, meeting agendas, Boards, Commissions and Committees, budget and finances, Bylaws, Council Advocacy and Council Policies is available here
  • The website has detailed documents on the Local Authorities Election Act, Council Code of Conduct Bylaw, City Council Remuneration and Benefits, Pecuniary Interest for Municipal Councillors, Candidate Guides, Campaign Contributions and Expenses, Campaign Sign Guidelines and more
  • The City will again produce the popular information videos for each candidate for voters to watch ahead of the Election 

How do I register to run as a Candidate? 

  • A Notice of Intent must be filed first. This allows the candidate to start raising and spending campaign funds
  • Candidates must then submit their fully completed Nomination Papers in person at City Hall. Appointments must be booked by emailing 

What do I need to do to be eligible to vote and where will I be able to vote in October? 

  • Prior to September 15, voters must go to the Elections Alberta website to register to vote
  • There will likely be three voting superstations (one each in the west, north and south) – locations to be confirmed – and all will be open during the Election Period
  • No drive-by voting, as seen in 2021 during the pandemic 

Why are there changes (and what are the major differences?) for this year’s Election? 

  • Lethbridge City Council in January approved second and third readings of the Election Bylaw, including regulated updates in relation to the Provincial Government’s Bill 20
  • The most significant impacts of Bill 20, which was enacted on October 31, include the need for an Elector’s register (voters’ list, which no municipality in Alberta currently uses) and that electronic tabulators are prohibited for ballot counting – meaning that results must be counted by hand and will take several days
  • Voters will receive a ballot for each contest (three at this time – Mayor, Councillor and Public/Separate School Trustee) and each will go into a respective ballot box
  • Campaign signs are only allowed on private property; no signs are permitted on public property or right of ways
  • Improperly placed candidate campaign signs will be confiscated for remainder of election period  

How much does it cost to run an Election? 

  • Standard Elections expenses are $342,186, with an additional $323,360 estimated due to Bill 20 impacts
  • The City is responsible for these costs
  • The anticipated budget is based on the 2021 voter turnout of 35 per cent (28,298), plus growth of 3,700. If turnout is above this, then time and costs will increase
  • If there is a recount or challenge, the time and costs will increase significantly
  • The anticipated budget does not include any Municipal or Provincial questions. In 2021, there were two Municipal questions and two Provincial questions, plus senatorial selection. If any of these occur, timing and expenses will increase
  • More ballots equal more ballot boxes and more time to hand count 

What impacts will hand counting have? 

  • A hand-count has not been done in Lethbridge since 1989 
  • Lethbridge’s ‘At Large’ representation/election system makes hand-counting ballots more complex and time-consuming for: Councillors (eight), Public School Trustees (seven), Separate School Trustees (five) 
  • Each voter will receive separate ballots for Mayoral candidates, Council candidates, School Board candidates, plus any possible questions, that will go into separate respective ballot boxes
  • We will be using colour-coded ballots to assist with the counting process
  • Two hand-counting exercises were conducted to test and estimate time and resources. Results of the second exercise are shown in this video
  • At its March 11 meeting, Lethbridge City Council voted unanimously in favour on an Official Business Motion from Councillor Rajko Dodic regarding a response to the Provincial Government’s changes in relation to the 2025 Municipal Elections


For Public Inquiries:
Call or chat 311 | Monday to Friday, 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.  

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