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Residential Speed Limit Pilot Project survey still open

In 2023, we began a pilot project of lowering residential speed limits to 40 km/h in several city neighbourhoods.

The areas of Uplands/Blackwolf, Paradise Canyons/The Canyons and the southern portion of Southgate Sixmile continue to be part of the Residential Speed Limit Pilot Project – a multi-year endeavour, with data on the pilot areas to be collected throughout the project timeline.

There will be multiple opportunities to give feedback throughout the project. Residents can give input on the pilot project anytime by completing the How has the Residential Speed Limit Pilot affected you? survey or they can visit for more information. Representatives will also be at the Community Conversation on January 29.

The safety of Lethbridge residents is the City’s top priority. The Transportation Safety Plan recommends reducing residential speed zones to work towards the goal of zero transportation related deaths and serious injury by 2040.

Speed limits are important for ensuring traffic safety. The speed at which vehicles travel significantly influences the frequency and severity of accidents. Lowering speeds in residential areas also creates a more peaceful, quiet and safe environment for pedestrians, cyclists, drivers and those who are out enjoying their neighbourhood.

The success of lower residential speed limits has been demonstrated in other municipalities across Canada. By adopting these changes, Lethbridge is aligning with proven strategies for safer streets. The decision to reduce speeds in some residential neighbourhoods to 40 km/h has been made based on traffic safety best practices, research and data. It has not been done to collect additional speeding fines.

The funds collected through speeding tickets are called Traffic Safety Act revenues: $0.40 of every dollar collected goes to the Provincial Government and $0.60 goes to the City. The portion collected by the City is transferred to a reserve that helps fund traffic safety improvements, reducing the tax dollars needed from residents to complete this important work.

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