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YQL Aviation Day set to take flight

“It’s surprisingly easy to get up at five, six o’clock in the morning and come to work when you enjoy it so much.”

Anthony Kish has been the Airport Electrician with the City of Lethbridge for six years. The role allows him to combine two of his greatest loves: the trades and aviation. As a kid, he attended the Lethbridge Air Show with his dad, also an electrician. Anthony noticed the immense amount of collaboration required to ensure a successful flight.

“There’s a whole team involved,” says Anthony. “Skilled tradespeople and skilled labourers are needed to support the pilots.”

Little did Anthony know he would one day be part of that team.

“I take pride in what I do. We all do. The people who work here, in their heart, want to make it the best experience they can.”

Anthony’s passions now extend to his greatest love: his family. He has four daughters between the ages of 12 and 18. His 14-year-old wants to be a pilot. The 16-year-old is interested in the trades. Anthony’s paternal instincts sensed an opportunity. Working with members of his team and stakeholders, he is bringing YQL Aviation Day to the Lethbridge Airport on Saturday, May 25. The professional recruiting event is set to inspire the next generation of aviation enthusiasts.

The inaugural theme is Women in Aviation. Anthony admits to being a bit naïve about the challenges still faced by women in the industry. He doesn’t want his daughters facing those hurdles.

“When I see women in roles that have been typically dominated by men, nobody sees the battles they go through,” he says. “Nobody hears the things said to them or sees the people standing between the women and their goals. I was blown away.”

YQL Aviation Day speakers include Lethbridge-born Rosella Bjornson. In 1973, she became the first female airline jet pilot in Canada, and the first female First Officer on a twin-engine jet in North America. She was instrumental in challenging airlines for not hiring women pilots and paved the way for women to enter the world of Aviation. Bjornson was inducted into the Alberta Order of Excellence in 2018.

YQL Aviation Day will also feature static displays, including an F-18 display cockpit and STARS helicopter.

Anthony is thankful for the many people involved in bringing YQL Aviation Day to Lethbridge.

“To have the support of the City behind this is great. We have a very talented team working on it because everyone has bought in. I really hope people come away from this event inspired, educated and encouraged. I hope they go away excited about a potential aviation career.”

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