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Guiding Safe Online Habits: Parental Controls, Family Rules and Conversation Starters

It can be overwhelming and a challenge to keep up to the ever-changing online world. The digital world influences our lives in many ways. Families are navigating the balance of screen time with face-to-face interactions. Understanding that children and youth are developing social skills and meaningful relationship both online and offline, it is important to help them navigate it. Here are some tips and resources when supporting children and youth:

Knowing when is the “right” time to introduce technology, online gaming and social media to youth can feel overwhelming. The answer to this question ultimately depends on your child’s maturity level at each age and stage. Some experts say delaying exposure can help youth be more responsible and less vulnerable to emotional harm. 

How and when to introduce children and youth to devices and phones.

When is the right age to allow my child to have social media?

Ways to manage screen time.

Research shows that pairing parental controls with open talks improves kids’ online safety. Without open conversations, children and youth are left to figure it out on their own. Start conversations about safety as early as possible, even before they go online. Open, ongoing talks about healthy relationships and boundaries build a strong bond with your child. When adults shy away from these conversations children are left to figure it out on their own. By talking with your child early on, we can provide accurate information. We can also discuss healthy relationships and online boundaries.


Research shows that children with household rules are less likely to fall into some risky online behaviour. Set clear rules for technology use. Encourage children and youth to rethink about who they’re sharing with and what’s appropriate. Consequences for breaking rules should be well-defined, however, it is important to choose the consequence appropriately.

Need help creating the rules? Use these family tech planners for every age:

Most platforms these days offer parental controls like YouTube, TikTok, Roblox, and Disney. Online if you search for the app’s “family center” it will show you how to put in the controls. Internet providers also have controls that can support parents in monitoring their child's online activity. Some controls allow you to limit screen time, control privacy settings, and restrict certain content.

Visit the Exploring the Online World section for more information on parental controls for specific apps, online gaming and more.

What parental controls are there for devices (Apple and Android), browsers and streaming platforms?

Have children of different ages and online interests and can't keep up with it all? Use this resource for tailored online safety advise toolkit that keeps up with your child’s digital needs. It only takes two steps:

  • Answer a few questions about each of your children’s digital habits and ages (takes just a few minutes).
  • Get your toolkit straight to your inbox with updates as often as you like!

For trusted sources of up-to-date information, visit:

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