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Clean Energy Improvement Program (CEIP)

Enhancing Property Values and Achieving Community Sustainability Goals. 

The City of Lethbridge is excited to announce the reopening of its Clean Energy Improvement Program for pre-qualification submissions.

Pre-qualification submissions will be processed on a first-come, first-served basis.

About the Clean Energy Improvement Program (CEIP): Transforming Alberta's Residences

CEIP is an innovative financing tool empowering residential property owners, in the City of Lethbridge, to invest in energy efficiency and renewable energy upgrades. This program makes sustainable living accessible to residents by providing flexible financing options. 

Discover the benefits of CEIP: help make your home’s energy efficiency and renewable energy upgrades affordable, lower your energy bills, contribute to a greener environment, and enhance your property value. The savings on your monthly utilities can help you repay the borrowed amount.
To learn more about the CEIP program, watch the video, download the brochure, or explore the FAQ's below.

CEIP is a financing program designed to make energy efficiency and renewable energy upgrades more attainable for residential property owners. Administered in partnership with the City of Lethbridge and Alberta Municipalities, this initiative offers flexible financing with repayments collected through property taxes.

Learn more about CEIP here


CEIP financing is accessible to residential property owners. Visit Clean Energy Improvement Program ( to review the terms and conditions for eligibility. The next step is to complete the pre-qualification form at Residential Pre-Qualification – Clean Energy Improvement Program ( and submit.

For additional information, visit City of Lethbridge – Clean Energy Improvement Program (


Yes, many upgrades require city permits. No funds will be advanced unless proper permits are obtained.

Participants in the program will see an increase on their property tax bill to reflect repayment of the CEIP loan. CEIP loans will appear as a separate line item on the property tax bill. Only property owners who are enrolled in the program will see this additional line item. 


If you’re enrolled in TIPP (Tax Installment Pre-payment Plan), it will automatically adjust to cover your CEIP loan repayment. Look on your next Tax Notice for the updated amount.

CEIP improvements reduce greenhouse gas emissions, lower energy costs, and support the local economy by creating job opportunities for energy efficiency and renewable energy contractors.


Energy efficiency and renewable energy upgrades qualify for CEIP. Check the list of eligible upgrades at


Contractors are invited to visit to learn more about the program and apply to be added to the Contractor Directory.

Many of the upgrades require permits from the City. No funds will be advanced unless proper permits are in place.


No, projects initiated before the program launch are ineligible for financing. Applications must be obtained and approved before project commencement. 


​CEIP utilizes innovative Property Accessed Clean Energy (PACE) financing, enabling property owners to access flexible, long-tern financing through their municipal property taxes for energy efficiency or renewable energy upgrades. Repayment is facilitated through an added Clean Energy Improvement charge on the property tax bill. This charge stays with the property, where the upgrades are installed, rather than the owner.

CEIP has unique guidelines tailored to the Alberta context, supporting the local economy while safeguarding property owners.

In order to participate in the program, municipalities need to first pass a CEIP bylaw. That bylaw authorizes a municipality to borrow money for the purpose of financing clean energy improvements, and use the property tax system to facilitate repayment from property owners.

On August 10, 2022, Lethbridge's Clean Energy Improvement Bylaw was passed by Lethbridge's City Council. The bylaw enables the city to offer CEIP in Lethbridge.


Next Steps 

With the approval of Lethbridge's Clean Energy Improvement Bylaw, the City secured funding from the Federation of Canadian Municipalities for a loan and grant. The loan finances clean energy improvement projects, while the grant supports the program delivery and administration.
CEIP is now available to City of Lethbridge residents. To apply, visit to review terms and conditions and complete the pre-qualification form. 


  • August 2022: Clean Energy Improvement Program Bylaw approved 
  • Fall 2022: Finalize program design 
  • February 28, 2023: Program launch
  • March 1, 2023: Program full
  • October 17, 2023: Program re-opened for pre-qualification submissions.

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