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Updated Action Plan sets Council’s priorities to end of term

Lethbridge City Council recently approved an updated Gateway to Opportunity – City Council Action Plan that outlines the priories for the remainder of Council’s term. With the support of City administration, the priorities have been clearly defined and resourced to ensure these important goals can be accomplished.


“The mid-point of our term was a great time to reflect on all the work achieved so far and also re-focusing on what we still want to accomplish,” says Mayor Blaine Hyggen. “This update Action Plan is the guiding document that will help us get there.”


The Action Plan outlines 26 projects/priorities including master plans that will guide the future growth and development of Lethbridge as well as strategies to address current needs and challenges.


“The Action Plan is important for myself, and all City staff, because it give us a roadmap of what Council wants us focused on,” says Lloyd Brierley, City Manager. “This provides a solid list of priorities for the next two years, based on realistic expectations. Now we can ensure the resources are in place to make that happen.”


Each item listed in the Action Plan includes a description of the purpose, deliverables, who is responsible and the proposed timeline. This creates clear expectations and transparency with the community.

To view some of the many accomplishments in the first half of Council’s term visit:

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