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News Releases

  • Organics grand opening Mayor Hyggen
    City ‘peels’ open Organics Processing Facility

    The future home of your week-old leftovers, food scraps and spring yard waste was celebrated today as the City of Lethbridge unveiled the Organics Processing Facility.

  • Two Guys green cart approved social
    City delivers delicious partnership to support curbside organics

    Residents who frequent one of the city’s most well-known restaurants will see a green reminder with their pizza this month.

  • Council approves social development funding allocations

    The City of Lethbridge’s Community Social Development (CSD) team is responsible for the administration and monitoring of provincial and federal funds to prevent and address social issues and needs in our municipality.

  • Pickleball court with players
    More pickleball courts officially coming to Legacy Park

    Lethbridge will soon be adding six more pickleball courts to accommodate the growing demand of the popular sport.

  • Council supports future street hockey tourneys Downtown

    A national-level street hockey tournament is one step closer to its goal of hosting a major festival in Downtown Lethbridge.

  • PSCC Call Centre with Fire EMS employee
    Mayors continue to highlight critical issues with provincial EMS dispatch

    January 19 marked two years since the transition of Emergency Medical Services (EMS) dispatch from the municipalities of Calgary, Lethbridge, Red Deer, and the Regional Municipality of Wood Buffalo. For the health and safety of all Albertans, the Mayors of these four regions continue to advocate to the Provincial Government and Alberta Health Services to return local dispatch for a stable and integrated service.

  • Truck Names 2023
    Oscar, Recyclesaurus Rex and The Bin-Credible Hulk are hitting the streets!

    Oscar, Recyclesaurus Rex and The Bin-Credible Hulk are the new superheroes of the streets as City’s garbage, recycling and organic truck fleet have been named.

  • Big Truck Petting Zoo parking lot 2022
    Big Truck Petting Zoo Returns

    On Saturday May 27, the Lethbridge Public Library Crossings Branch parking lot will be taken over once again by some of the City’s largest vehicles because the Big Truck Petting Zoo is coming back!

  • We Are Live Computer Website Social Launch 2022
    Residents at the centre of City’s new website design

    The City of Lethbridge is excited to launch a fresh, new website, focused on the needs of residents. Using industry best practices and past web analytics, the City’s website content has been streamlined, navigation made more intuitive, search functions enhanced and a clean new design incorporated


  • Council responds to community on off-leash dog parks

    Following extensive engagement and community feedback, Lethbridge City Council will not proceed on six previously-proposed dog park locations in established neighbourhoods. Instead, based on the engagement results, Council on Tuesday voted unanimously to consider appropriate areas for future dog parks when new Outline Plans, or amendments to Outline Plans, come forward. This will involve continued work with BILD Lethbridge, land developers and landowners moving forward.

Contact Us

City Hall
910 4 Avenue South
Lethbridge, AB T1J 0P6

Phone: 311
or 403-320-3111 (if outside of Lethbridge)


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