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  • City Council again declares April 7 as Green Shirt Day

    Lethbridge City Council on Tuesday voted unanimously to have the Mayor’s Office again declare April 7 as Green Shirt Day. Mayor Hyggen says he wants to keep bringing this item to Council annually, rather than as a one-time declaration, to continually highlight Logan’s impact and the importance of talking to your family about becoming an organ donor.

  • Planned power outage on Westside Drive West

    A planned power outage is set to take place Tuesday, March 25, between 9 a.m. and 1 p.m. along Westside Drive West to allow for power line upgrades. Approximately 90 properties will be without power during this time. 

  • Improving traffic flow at a north Lethbridge intersection

    A big change is coming to the traffic lights at the busy intersection of 13 Street North and 5 Avenue North.

    The City is introducing alternating left turn signals along 13 Street North. Currently, only northbound traffic has a left turn signal.

  • Land Use Bylaw Renewal project continues seeking feedback from residents & businesses

    As the warmer spring weather invites outdoor activities, it’s the perfect time to connect with your neighbourhood and think about how you’d like to see it grow in the future! 

  • 116 Canyon Ridge Boulevard W


    Low Density Residential District 

    Single detached dwelling. 

    Waiver: eave projection

  • 317 14 Street S


    Low Density Residential District 

    Secondary suite.

  • 533 14 Street S


    Low Density Residential District 

    Detached Garage with secondary suite

    Waiver: parcel coverage


  • Moonlight Run road closures and transit impacts

    The 2025 Runner’s Soul Moonlight Run is set to take place Saturday, March 22. 

  • March 2025 Mayor's Column

    Layers in the morning and windows down in the afternoon – welcome to March and spring in Lethbridge. The first topic I want to address this month is the wonderful recent news from the Lethbridge Police Service that crime in our city decreased by 16 per cent in 2024. 

  • Doggy Doo Doo Crew title
    Doggy Doo Doo Crew

    In preparation for our Dog Waste Awareness Month in June, the City of Lethbridge will be holding five dog park cleanups.

Contact Us

City Hall
910 4 Avenue South
Lethbridge, AB T1J 0P6

Phone: 311
or 403-320-3111 (if outside of Lethbridge)


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