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  • Reuse Rendezvous graphic
    Reuse Rendezvous this weekend

    Spring cleaning and decluttering this weekend? Looking to find some free treasures in unwanted items? Good news! Reuse Rendezvous is back!

  • Festival Square Sign
    First group of 2024 Community Capital Project Grant recipients announced

    Several not-for-profit organizations in Lethbridge have received funding through the Community Capital Project Grant (CCPG). The grants support capital projects. Priority goes to projects that promote inclusive, diverse and equitable access to recreational, educational and wellbeing opportunities for community members.

  • Oldman River Bottom Green Coulee
    City of Lethbridge taking proactive steps to conserve water

    The City of Lethbridge is leading by example in water conservation efforts. In response to potential drought conditions this year, the corporation is implementing internal water restrictions ahead of any mandated changes.

  • Agri Food hub exterior of building fence up and being landscaped
    Lethbridge & District Exhibition provides May update

    Members of the Economic Standing Policy Committee received their second financial report from Lethbridge & District Exhibition (LDE).

  • Mayor Magrath dr and 5 Ave road closure map
    Lane closure on Mayor Magrath Drive South

    A storm service repair is resulting in a lane closure on Mayor Magrath Drive South at 5 Avenue South.

  • City Clerks in Council Chambers
    City Clerks play essential role in Municipal Government

    Teamwork, leadership, ongoing education, networking and collaborating on best practices are some of the most important traits and tactics needed and used by City Clerks in jurisdictions around the world. In Lethbridge, the team is led by City Clerk Bonnie Hilford, Deputy City Clerk David Sarsfield and Ryan Westerson, the City’s Legislative Services Manager. This week is also the annual Professional Municipal Clerks Week.

  • Coulee river bottom panoramic train bridge
    River Valley Fire Advisory Lifted

    Due to the change in the weather conditions, the Fire Ban has been lifted for the River Valley area effective immediately.

  • street paving
    Pothole repair season is heating up

    When temperatures rise, road crews can begin repairing potholes with hot asphalt. On a priority system, crews have been filling potholes around the city since mid-April and will continue to do so until next winter.  

  • Emergency kit bag
    Emergency Preparedness Week May 5-11

    This week marks Emergency Preparedness Week, which serves as an opportunity to remind Canadians to get prepared for future emergency situations and to make preparedness part of their regular routine. 

  • 2 red dress pins on counter
    Red Dress Day honours memory of MMIWG2S+

    The City of Lethbridge will mark Red Dress Day on Sunday, May 5, to honour the memory of Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls and Two-Spirit+ (MMIWG2S+) people.

Contact Us

City Hall
910 4 Avenue South
Lethbridge, AB T1J 0P6

Phone: 311
or 403-320-3111 (if outside of Lethbridge)


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