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Public Service Announcements

  • Patching work on 6 Avenue South

    Traffic will be impacted as crews complete patching work along a small stretch of 6 Avenue South.

    The project begins Thursday, June 13 at 9 a.m. Single-lane closures will be in effect in both directions between 10 Street and 11 Street South.

  • Yellow Fish Road Stencil Stormwater Rain Only
    Environment Blitz Days!

    Get ready for an environmental education! The City of Lethbridge Parks & Cemeteries and Water, Wastewater & Stormwater teams are gearing up for three days of teaching and action.

  • Goats
    Grazing Glory: the weed-eating goats have returned!

    For the past six summers, goats have controlled invasive weeds in select areas of Lethbridge’s river valley. Since the introduction of the program, more than 750 hectares of noxious plants have been grazed.

  • Get ready to dive in: Henderson Outdoor Pool is opening for another season!

    One of the most popular outdoor summer destinations in southern Alberta is ready to welcome the masses!

    Henderson Outdoor Pool opens Monday, June 10, with modified public hours.

  • Fire Truck with logo crest
    Apartment patio fire Sunday morning

    Lethbridge Fire and Emergency Services responded to a patio fire on the ninth floor of an apartment building at Berkeley Place West at approximately 5:22 a.m. on Sunday, June 9.

  • Bike lane construction to be completed next week

    Construction is about to wrap up on 7 Street South from 4 Avenue to 7 Avenue, thus fully connecting the bike lanes in Downtown Lethbridge to the 7 Avenue bike boulevard and the city-wide cycling network. The work, all weather dependent, will take place from June 10-14. Full road closures are not anticipated, however, there will be lane reductions, short duration turning bay closures and a temporary loss of parking in some areas.

  • Whoop-Up Drive lane reductions continue from June 10-14

    Crews were busy this week with pothole patching on Whoop-Up Drive. Next week, our ongoing Transportation Operations’ work will involve bridge maintenance. From June 10-12 (4 a.m. to 4 p.m. each day), bridge maintenance work will impact westbound lanes on Whoop-Up Drive. On June 13 and 14 (4 a.m. to 7 a.m. each day), work will shift to eastbound lanes.

  • Road Closure Barrier sign
    Road closures and detours for milling – North Lethbridge

    Road milling will begin on sections of 26 Avenue North and 28 Street North next week. Motorists are advised to expect temporary detours and traffic control along these roadways and intersections:   

    Monday, June 10: The westbound lanes of 26 Ave N will be closed from 28 Street North until the first shopping center access point to the east.  

    Tuesday, June 11: The westbound lanes of 26 Avenue North will be closed from Bluefox Boulevard North to 28 Street North.  

    Wednesday, June 12: The northbound lanes on 28 Street North from 26 Avenue North to 30 Avenue North/Grizzly Road North.  

  • Projects WebMap Jan 2024
    Navigating summer construction season is just one click away

    As City crews and contractors are working on the annual road and infrastructure maintenance around Lethbridge, the City is encouraging residents to stay up-to-date with summer construction in just one click.

  • Fire Truck with logo crest
    River Valley Fire Ban now in effect

    Effective immediately and until further notice, a fire ban has been placed on all open fires in the City’s River Valley.

Contact Us

City Hall
910 4 Avenue South
Lethbridge, AB T1J 0P6

Phone: 311
or 403-320-3111 (if outside of Lethbridge)


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