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Public Service Announcements

  • Road Closure Barrier sign
    Road Closure 1600 Block of 10 Avenue South

    Effective immediately, 10 Avenue South will be closed between 16 Street South and 17 Street South so crews can complete an emergency sewer service repair. This work is expected to be completed by the end of the day, November 23, weather permitting.


  • Park N Bark Lighting map outline
    Park ‘n’ Bark Upcoming Closure

    Beginning Monday, November 20, the Park ‘n’ Bark will be closed to the public for the installation of light poles and bases.

    The light fixtures will be installed at a later date which will complete the project of lighting the park.

  • 2021 City Council
    Recap of Economic and Finance SPC meeting November 14-16

    Lethbridge City Council met as Economic and Finance Standing Policy Committee for three days from November 14 to 16 for an overview of the current economic conditions and the impact they have on the City’s financial position and resources. All recommendations from the Committee will be forwarded to City Council for potential approval at a regular meeting.

  • Festival Square light up at night
    Re-Imagine Downtown grant applications for 2024 now open

    The Re-Imagine Downtown Activation Grant aims to support businesses, entrepreneurs, organizations and community-minded individuals in implementing initiatives, events and programs that activate the Downtown core.

  • 6 Street S lighting map
    Road Closure on 6 Street South from 3 Avenue to 4 Avenue

    On Friday, November 17, from 7 a.m. to 3 p.m., 6 Street South from 3 Avenue to 4 Avenue will be closed to vehicular traffic to facilitate the installation of festive lighting along the corridor. 


  • Road Closure Barrier sign
    Road Closure 1200 Block of 13 Street South

    Effective immediately, 13 Street South will be closed between 11 Avenue South and 13 Avenue South so crews can complete an emergency water main repair. This work is expected to be completed by end of day November 18, weather permitting.


  • Residential Speed limit 40 pilot Social
    Two more neighbourhoods added to the Residential Speed Limit Pilot Project

    The City of Lethbridge is introducing the neighbourhoods of Uplands/Blackwolf and the southern portion of Southgate Sixmile, into the Residential Speed Limit Pilot Project. The pilot project lowers residential speed limits to 40 km/h in three Lethbridge neighbourhoods.

  • Remembrance Day Service Change Newscentre
    Remembrance Day 2023 Service Level Changes

    Saturday, November 11, is Remembrance Day. The City of Lethbridge will have service level changes on that day as well as on Monday, November 13.

  • Fire Truck with logo crest
    Southside house fire early Tuesday morning

    Lethbridge Fire and Emergency Services responded to a house fire in the 800 block of 18 Street South just after 2 a.m. on Tuesday, November 7.

  • Road Closure Barrier sign
    Whoop Up Drive Sensor Maintenance

    Beginning tomorrow at 9:30 a.m. the westbound inside lane will be closed on Whoop Up Drive for sensor maintenance.

Contact Us

City Hall
910 4 Avenue South
Lethbridge, AB T1J 0P6

Phone: 311
or 403-320-3111 (if outside of Lethbridge)


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