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Public Service Announcements

  • Legacy slide under construction
    Slide replacement in Legacy Park

    Lethbridge residents can slide into summer thanks to an upgrade at Legacy Park. A new stainless-steel slide is being installed at the Discovery Playground.

  • Council Chamber outside with one open door
    City Clerk to host intro to Municipal Government session

    If you are new to Lethbridge, simply want to find out about Municipal Government, or are perhaps looking ahead to run for elected office come October 2025, we soon will have an opportunity to learn more. On April 25 at Lethbridge City Hall, City Clerk Bonnie Hilford will host an introductory session for those who have no or very limited knowledge of Municipal Government.

  • Spencer Croil with maps at community convo
    Ideas in full bloom at spring Community Conversation

    On Thursday, April 25, the City of Lethbridge will host its next in-person community engagement event. The Community Conversation will feature more than 30 projects to explore, along with fun, free activities for the whole family.

  • Yard Waste Site drive up bins
    City’s seasonal yard waste sites open next week

    As the weather warms up and spring yard maintenance begins for many residents, the City will open the three seasonal yard waste sites on Tuesday, April 2.

  • racoon in grass looking up at camera
    Pet owners reminded to update vaccinations

    With warm spring weather just around the corner, more people and their pets are enjoying time outdoors. Keeping a pet's vaccinations up to date is crucial. It helps protect them from common diseases and potential wildlife encounters.

  • Easter stock photo- chocolate bunny, tulips, eggs
    Easter weekend service level changes

    Friday, March 29, 2024 is Good Friday and Monday, April 1, 2024 is Easter Monday. The City of Lethbridge will have service level changes.

  • 6 Ave road closure map
    Lane closures on 6 Avenue South

    An emergency sewer issue is resulting in lane closures in the 1800 block of 6 Avenue South.

  • Elm Tree in Bloom
    Elm tree pruning ban begins April 1

    To prevent the spread of Dutch Elm Disease (DED) a province-wide pruning ban for all species of elm trees is in effect from April 1 to September 30, 2024. Pruning elm trees during this time exposes wounds that could provide entry sites for Elm Bark Beetles, a carrier of the DED fungus.

  • Fall Tree Canopy over Lethbridge residential street
    Caring for our urban forest

    Efficiently watering trees ensures the urban forest will continue to thrive. This is especially important during periods of drought.

  • Snow and Ice Control Update

    The City of Lethbridge thanks all residents for their patience and understanding as crews worked around the clock over the last several days to keep the City moving through this significant spring snow storm.

Contact Us

City Hall
910 4 Avenue South
Lethbridge, AB T1J 0P6

Phone: 311
or 403-320-3111 (if outside of Lethbridge)


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