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  • dog tree with foliage
    River Valley Dragons

    Lethbridge’s River Valley is home to a wide array of animals. Residents are never surprised to see deer, turtles or snakes. But there’s another type of serpent hiding in plain sight.

  • Council Chambers empty
    Council Highlights March 26, 2024

    Highlights from the March 26 meeting of Lethbridge City Council.

  • Yard Waste Site drive up bins
    City’s seasonal yard waste sites open next week

    As the weather warms up and spring yard maintenance begins for many residents, the City will open the three seasonal yard waste sites on Tuesday, April 2.

  • Clean energy improvement program "now open" poster
    Clean Energy Improvement Program still taking applications, rebate increasing

    If you’re starting to look ahead at possible springtime home renovations, applications are still being accepted for the Clean Energy Improvement Program (CEIP).

  • racoon in grass looking up at camera
    Pet owners reminded to update vaccinations

    With warm spring weather just around the corner, more people and their pets are enjoying time outdoors. Keeping a pet's vaccinations up to date is crucial. It helps protect them from common diseases and potential wildlife encounters.

  • Easter stock photo- chocolate bunny, tulips, eggs
    Easter weekend service level changes

    Friday, March 29, 2024 is Good Friday and Monday, April 1, 2024 is Easter Monday. The City of Lethbridge will have service level changes.

  • 6 Ave road closure map
    Lane closures on 6 Avenue South

    An emergency sewer issue is resulting in lane closures in the 1800 block of 6 Avenue South.

  • Lethbridge Fire EMS Paramedic Ambulance Logo on Truck
    City renews master services agreement with Alberta Health Services

    Lethbridge City Council approved a new 2.5-year agreement with Alberta Health Services (AHS) to deliver emergency medical services (EMS) through Lethbridge Fire and Emergency Services (LFES). This agreement replaces the contract between the two parties that was set to expire March 31, 2024 and provides an option for a 2.5-year extension bringing the total contract length to 5 years.  

  • Green Shirt Day 2024 Mayor Blaine Hyggen in Humbolt Broncos jersey
    Council again declares April 7 as Green Shirt Day

    Lethbridge City Council on Tuesday voted unanimously to have the Mayor’s Office again declare April 7 as Green Shirt Day. Mayor Hyggen says he wants to keep bringing this item to Council annually, rather than as a one-time declaration, to continually highlight Logan’s impact.


  • Elm Tree in Bloom
    Elm tree pruning ban begins April 1

    To prevent the spread of Dutch Elm Disease (DED) a province-wide pruning ban for all species of elm trees is in effect from April 1 to September 30, 2024. Pruning elm trees during this time exposes wounds that could provide entry sites for Elm Bark Beetles, a carrier of the DED fungus.

Contact Us

City Hall
910 4 Avenue South
Lethbridge, AB T1J 0P6

Phone: 311
or 403-320-3111 (if outside of Lethbridge)


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