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  • Foodie Fest food trucks lined up downtown
    Expanding food truck access in Lethbridge parks

    Lethbridge’s latest culinary adventure is ready to roll!

    Food trucks and mobile vending machines can now operate, without requiring specific permission, in three City of Lethbridge parks:

  • Oldman river Bridge Spring Melt
    Water Conservation Plan and Strategy presented to Economic and Finance SPC

    Changes in climate and weather in southern Alberta are causing worries about water scarcity and ongoing drought. The City is working to proactively address these concerns with the development of the Water Conservation Plan and Strategy (WCPAS). The WCPAS was presented at the April 11 Economic and Finance Standing Policy Committee meeting.

  • Agri Food Hub being landscaped
    City Council gets April update from Exhibition

    Members of City Council received the first of monthly reports from Lethbridge & District Exhibition (LDE) today which highlighted the success of the recent Ag Expo and looked ahead to the summer Farmers’ Markets and Whoop-Up Days celebration. The report was presented at the Economic Standing Policy Committee (SPC), providing a transparent overview of the organization’s finances and operations.

  • Council Chambers empty
    Council Highlights April 9, 2024

    Highlights from the April 9, 2024, meeting of Lethbridge City Council.

  • Street sweeper with no parking sign
    Spring street sweeping begins today

    With the arrival of spring, City crews are already sweeping the first roadways in the annual spring street sweeping program. Sweeping trucks pass through each neighbourhood cleaning up debris that has settled since last year. The program promotes a sense of cleanliness and pride in the community, reduces dust, and collects sand from winter ice control.

    Neighborhood street sweeping is completed on weekdays from 7:30 a.m – 3:30 p.m. All residential roadways will be completed over approximately 8 – 10 weeks, with variations due to weather and operational considerations. Weather permitting, no-parking signs will be placed on the street 24 hours before sweeping begins.

  • Residents have more time to complete snow route survey

    The City of Lethbridge is giving residents a few more weeks to provide feedback on snow routes. The community survey, launched on March 18 will now close on April 28, 2024. The extended date will allow for more residents to share their thoughts and input on phase 2 of changes to snow and ice control.

  • Legacy slide under construction
    Slide replacement in Legacy Park

    Lethbridge residents can slide into summer thanks to an upgrade at Legacy Park. A new stainless-steel slide is being installed at the Discovery Playground.

  • Logan Boulet Arena exterior interwoven legacies
    Interwoven Legacies at Logan Boulet Arena

    The legacy of Logan Boulet is now on full display at the Lethbridge arena bearing his name. Logan passed away on April 7, 2018, of injuries sustained in the Humboldt Broncos bus crash. By donating his organs, Logan saved six lives. His selfless act led to the “Logan Boulet Effect.” Canadian Blood Services estimates 150,000 people registered as organ donors in the weeks following Logan’s donation.

  • Council Chamber outside with one open door
    City Clerk to host intro to Municipal Government session

    If you are new to Lethbridge, simply want to find out about Municipal Government, or are perhaps looking ahead to run for elected office come October 2025, we soon will have an opportunity to learn more. On April 25 at Lethbridge City Hall, City Clerk Bonnie Hilford will host an introductory session for those who have no or very limited knowledge of Municipal Government.

  • Spencer Croil with maps at community convo
    Ideas in full bloom at spring Community Conversation

    On Thursday, April 25, the City of Lethbridge will host its next in-person community engagement event. The Community Conversation will feature more than 30 projects to explore, along with fun, free activities for the whole family.

Contact Us

City Hall
910 4 Avenue South
Lethbridge, AB T1J 0P6

Phone: 311
or 403-320-3111 (if outside of Lethbridge)


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